About dana

I began working in the field in 1988, offering post-adoption counseling at Children's Home Society of Washington. I was also an active doula, working with families and training others at Seattle Midwifery School, and serving as a founding board member for the Pacific Association for Labor Support and Open Arms Perinatal Services. I believe this emphasis on early life has helped me to cultivate capacities for accompanying others through the often painful process of psychic development. I have been in private practice in Seattle since 1998.

My preparation for professional practice includes a Master's degree in Social Work followed by many years of intensive post gradute study of British Object Relations, the branch of psychoanalysis most concerned with very early relationships and their reverberations across our lives. This study includes certificatons in parent/infant psychotherapy; Listening Mothers leadership; infant observation; training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy at the Center for Object Relations/ COR and qualification as a psychoanalyst from Northwestern Psychoanalytic Society and Institute.  I am a past-president of Washington chapter of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, and have particular clinical interests in infancy, maternal reverie, and early life, as well as personality disorders, narcissism, grief, depression and anxiety across the lifespan.

I am a board certified psychoanalyst (BCD-Psychoanalyst) and clinical social worker licensed in the State of Washington (LICSW); a Fellow of the International Psychoanalytical Association (FIPA); and a training and supervising analyst with Northwestern Psychoanalytic Society and Institute. This designation denotes that I have been authorized to conduct personal analyses and clinical supervision of candidates in psychoanalytic training in addition to members of the general public, a position of  leadership in the field of psychoanalysis, and stewardship for future psychoanalysts. The appointment is based on evaluation of extensive experience in conducting psychoanalyses, and deep involvement in the field, including teaching, supervision, publication, committee work and professional presentations. At NPSI, I currently serve on the Board of Directors, as Faculty in the Infant Observation and Psychoanalytic Training, and as Director of Training for the Institute overall.  

I welcome inquiries about treatment, supervision and consultation, or general questions about psychoanalysis or contemporary object relations.

Recent publication

Click to purchase:

FROM REVERIE TO INTERPRETATION Transforming Thought into the Action of Psychoanalysis


£ 25.99/$ 42.95 232pp, June 2016 9781782203148

Bion’s identification of reverie as a psychoanalytic concept has drawn attention to a dimension of the analyst’s experience with tremendous potential to enrich our interpretive understanding.The courage of these authors in revealing their own process of reverie as transformed into the action of psychoanalysis will inspire and foster further investigation of this fruitful yet heretofore infrequently explored area of psychoanalytic discovery.



‘A remarkable contribution to psychoanalysis, offering theoretical presentations together with clinical vignettes organised around the motif of moving from reverie to interpretation. It will be useful to a wide range of mental heath professionals including Kleinians, Bionians, and others interested in exploring these concepts and these ways of thinking and working. Dana Blue and Caron Harrang have done an outstanding job of editing this compilation.‘
— ––Adriana Prengler, LMHC, FIPA, training and supervising psychoanalyst at the Northwestern Psychoanalytic Society and Institute and at the Caracas Psychoanalytic Society
This book, which refects aptly the work of analysts as well as artists and other creative individuals, is a testimony to how Bion’s analytic descendants have carried on his work in a manner which would have been to his liking. Since all the chapters take up aspects of clinical and artistic reverie, it is altogether fitting that this compilation be regarded as part of the continuing tradition of how Bion’s distillation of Kleinian psychoanalysis has itself been received and worked with by analysts interested in his work, not just in Europe and South America, but in the United States as well.’
— –Joseph Aguayo, PhD, FIPA, training and supervising psychoanalyst at the Psychoanalytic Center of California and co-editor with Barnet Malin of Wilfred Bion: Los Angeles Seminars and Supervision